CV Arvanitis

Current Position

Researcher Marie Curie, University of Paris 1 Panthéon La Sorbonne.


  • 09/03/2007: Awarded PhD in ‘History of the European Mediterranean from Antiquity to the contemporary era’, University of Basilicata (Italy). Dissertation title: “Ἀχαιῶν ὑψίβατοι πόλιες. Etnogenesi, Politogenesi e Colonizzazione nelle regioni del Golfo di Corinto: il caso degli Achei” (‘The set-on-high cities of the Achaeans’. Ethnogenesis, Politogenesis and Colonisation in the Corinthian Gulf: the Case of the Achaeans).
  • 05/01/2005-05/06/2005: Socrates-Erasmus scholarship, ‘Eberhard-Karls-Universität’, Tübingen, Germany.
  • 20/07/2002: Graduated in Classical Archaeology, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (Italy). Thesis title: “I tiranni e le Acque” (‘The Tyrants and the Waters’). Subject: Archaeology of Archaic Greece, Archaic Greek Tyrants, Architecture and Urbanism. Supervisor: Prof. Domenico Musti. Vote 110/110 cum laude.

Previous Positions

  • 01/09/2015-01/08/2016, visiting scholar in the McDonald Institute for Archeological Research, University of Cambridge, UK.
  • Since 2003, external collaborator, University of Rome La Sapienza, Department of Antiquity Sciences, Laboratory of ancient architecture and Historical Landscapes.
    • Tasks: Field Director of the excavation in the north slopes of the Palatine Hill, Rome; tutoring and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate Students; administrative duties; co-responsible of fund-raising in the project ‘Grandi Scavi’.

Research Grants

  • 18/07/2006 – 18/07/2007: research grant, University of Basilicata, project title: “Torre di Satriano: dinamiche insediative dall’antichità all’età medievale” (‘Torre di Satriano: settlement dynamics from antiquity to the medieval era’).
  • 01/11/2005 – 30/03/2006: research grant, University of Basilicata, project title: “Ceramica attica importata nei santuari della Magna Grecia” (‘Imported Attic pottery in the sanctuaries of Magna Graecia’). 

Professional and archaeological activities in Research Projects

  • Ancient Rome Project: 2003-2009, vice-field director; 2011-2014, field director of the excavations on the north slopes of the Palatine Hill, Roman Forum, University of Rome La Sapienza.
    • Tasks: analysis and interpretation of the archaeological data, scientific and technical reports, tutoring and supervising of graduate and post graduate students in methodologies and techniques of the archaeological excavation and post-excavation laboratories, administrative and fund-raising duties.
  • Contributor to the Atlas of Rome Project and responsible for the monuments of the sanctuary of Vesta. 
  • Ancient Kossyra Project (Pantelleria, Italy): 2003-2008, vice-field and field director of the excavations of the punic-roman settlement and the acropolis in San Marco, University of Basilicata- ‘Eberhard-Karls-Universität’, Tübingen.
    • Tasks: analysis and interpretation of the archaeological data, scientific and technical reports, tutoring and supervising of graduate and post graduate students in methodologies and techniques of the archaeological excavation and post-excavation laboratories, administrative and fund-raising duties. 
  • Torre di Satriano Project (Potenza, Italy): 2006-2007, 2009-2011 vice-field director of the excavations of the Oenotrian-roman settlement in Torre di Satriano, Potenza (Prof. M. Osanna), University of Basilicata.
    • Tasks: analysis and interpretation of the archaeological data, scientific and technical reports, tutoring and supervising of graduate and post graduate students in methodologies and techniques of the archaeological excavation and post-excavation laboratories, administrative and fund-raising duties.
  • Ancient Gabii Project (Latium Vetus, Italy): 2007-2009, field Director of the archaeological excavations in Gabii (Lazio), University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, University of Basilicata, Archaeological Sovritendency of Rome.
    • Tasks: analysis and interpretation of the archaeological data, scientific and technical reports, tutoring and supervising of graduate and post graduate students in methodologies and techinques of the archaeological excavation and post-excavation laboratories. 
  • Preventive Archaeology (selection): 1/01/ 2013 – 30/03/2013: under contract with Reale Immobili s.p.a. (Turin, Italy).
    • Tasks: Supervisor of the cores' campaigns for the valuation of the archaeological deposit in the area of a private building and technical-scientific report (Rome, Via Boncompagni, 6th Augustan region.
  • 15/05- 09/06/2010: under contract with the Archaeological Sovritendency of Calabria.
    • Tasks: archeological excavation, restoration and conservation of the archeological park of ancient Taureana (Palmi, Italy).
  • 10/02– 30 /03/2009: under contract with “NEI restauro e costruzioni e scavi archeologici S.R.L” (Genzano di Lucania, Italy).
    • Tasks: archaeological surveillance and assistance with technical-scientific report during the construction of the eolic park in loc. Ripacandida (Potenza, Italy).
  • 15/05 -02/06/2008: under contract with “Poleis società cooperativa a.r.l.”. Tasks: technical-scientific archaeological assistance at the construction site in the area of the Rail Station of San Pietro (Vatican, Rome, Italy). 
  • Memberhip of editorial board: 2008-2010: Series ‘Nemo. Confrontarsi con l' antico’, University of Bologna. 

List of presentations in seminars, workshops and International conferences

  • 17/05/2016: [joinlty with Sara Bossi], The excavation in the north slopes of the Palatine Hill in the Roman forum, the use of digital technologies and some untimely meditations on the good use of them, in 3D digital technologies and archaeology, international workshop organized by S. Stoddart and N. Arvanitis, McDonald Institute for the Archaeological Research, UCAM, 17-18 May 2016, Cambridge.
  • 18/03/2016: ‘The many agorai of Athens. Settlement dynamics, social processes and spaces of power in Athens in the archaic, classical and roman period, 12th Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, 16-19 March 2016.
  • 15/03/2013: [joinlty with F. Sposito], ‘Pavimenti in cementizio di un edificio pubblico-sacrale sulla Sacra via e dalla Domus Regis Sacrorum alle pendici settentrionali del Palatino’, in XIX Colloquio dell'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico (Isernia, 13-16 marzo 2013).
  • 11/03/2011: [jointly with C. Nicosia], Soil Micromorphology of the Iron Age ploughmarks from the sanctuary of Vesta in Rome,  in Archaeological Soil Micromorphology Workshop, Pisa, 11-13 March 2011, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Pisa
  • 23/09/2011: ‘Lo scavo della residenza ad abside di età arcaica a Torre di Satriano, Aggiornamenti e risultati della campagna di scavo 2011’, in V Convegno di studi su Satrianum, Lo Spazio del Potere: La residenza ad abside e l’anaktoron a Torre di Satriano, Tito, 23-25 settembre, 2011 
  • 07/03/2009: ‘I tiranni e le acque’, in Giornate di studio, Ravenna, 5-7 March 2009, Department of History and methodologies for the preservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna
  • 21/04/2008-23/04/2008: ‘L’Acaia dall’età del Bronzo all’età classica. Dinamiche insediative e identità sociali’, 6h seminar delivered in the post-graduate students of the Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia, University of Basilicata.
  • 15/06/2005: ‘La casa delle Vestali e il Tempio di Vesta’, workshop organised by the International Association of Classical Archaeology,  University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. 

Supervising, mentoring activities

  • 2003-2015: training and mentoring of students in Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (Italy), Laboratory of ancient architecture and Historical Landscapes. Project: Excavation of the north slopes of the Palatine Hill, Rome.
  • 2005-2011: training and mentoring of the students in Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art and the post-graduate students in Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia, University of Basilicata. Projects: excavation of the Punic-Roma acropolis of Kossyra (Pantelleria, San Marco), and excavation of Oenotrian settlement of Torre di Satriano, Potenza.
  • 2007-2009: training and post-excavation laboratories for the students in the course in Methodologies of archaeological excavation, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’. Project: excavation of the ‘Oriental Sanctuary’, ‘The Regia’ and archaic city walls of Gabii, Latium Vetus.
  • 2005-2007: teaching Assistant, ‘Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art’, University of Basilicata (Prof. Massimo Osanna). 

Academic teaching experience

  • 28/04/2010 – 31/02/ 2012: Adjunct Professor, Anthropology of the Ancient World, University of Basilicata.
  • 31/01/2008 – 31/02/2009: Adjunct Professor, Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art, University of Basilicata.
  • 23/11/2007 – 23/11/2008: Adjunct Professor, Archaeology of Magna Graecia, University of Reggio Calabria.
  • 01/04-30/06/ 2007: seminars on “Magna Graecia: the origins of name”, for a total of 50 hours as teaching assistant in ‘Archaeology of Magna Graecia’, University of Reggio Calabria. 


  1. ARVANITIS N., 2008, I Tiranni e le Acque. Infrastrutture idrauliche e Potere nella Grecia del tardo Arcaismo, Bologna.
  2. ARVANITIS N. (ed.), 2010, Il Santuario di Vesta. La Casa delle vestali e il Tempio di Vesta (VIII sec. a.C.-64 d.C.), Quaderni di Workshop 3, Pisa-Roma.
  3. CARAFA P., ARVANITIS N., IPPOLITI M., 2014, Un “nuovo” santuario in summa Sacra Via, Scienze dell’Antichità, 20.1, pp. 143-158.
  4. OSANNA M., ARVANITIS N., CAPOZZOLI V., FERRERI G.-C., SERIO B., 2011, Sedi del potere di un insediamento italico nell’Appennino lucano: Torre di Satriano in età arcaica, Bollettino d’Arte, 11, pp. 1-26.
  5. ARVANITIS N., 2004, La casa delle Vestali di età arcaica, Workshop di Archeologia Classica, 1, pp. 145–155. 
  6. ARVANITIS N., 2006, Ricerche stratigrafiche nella Casa delle Vestali: nuovi dati, AIACNews 2/2005, pp. 13–14. 
  7. ARVANITIS N., SPOSITO F., 2014, Pavimenti in cementizio di un edificio pubblico-sacrale sulla Sacra via e dalla Domus Regis Sacrorum alle pendici settentrionali del Palatino, in Atti del XIX Colloquio dell'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico (Isernia, 13-16 marzo 2013), pp. 255-266.
  8. ARVANITIS N., 2017, Rioni palatini del centro protourbano (925-775 a.C.), in Carandini A., Carafa A., Filippi D. (eds), Il Santuario di Vesta. Pendici del Palatino e via Sacra, Quasar Editions, Rome, pp. 79-86, and pp. 92-93.
  9. ARVANITIS N., 2017, Vicus Vestae (750-150/100 a.C. circa), in Carandini A., Carafa A., Filippi D. (eds), Il Santuario di Vesta. Pendici del Palatino e via Sacra, Quasar Editions, Rome, pp. 165-172 and pp. 181-184.
  10. ARVANITIS N., 2017, Aedes Vestae e casa/domus delle Vestali (750 a.C. – 64 d.C.), in Carandini A., Carafa A., Filippi D. (eds), Il Santuario di Vesta. Pendici del Palatino e via Sacra, Quasar Editions, Rome, pp. 185-203 and 225-230.
  11. ARVANITIS N., 2017, Sacellum/ara di Aius Locutius (650/625-210 a.C.), in Carandini A., Carafa A., Filippi D. (eds), Il Santuario di Vesta. Pendici del Palatino e via Sacra, Quasar Editions, Rome, pp. 231-233.
  12. ARVANITIS N., 2017, Fanum e sacellum di Giove Statore (775 a.C. – 530 a.C.), in Carandini A., Carafa A., Filippi D. (eds), Il Santuario di Vesta. Pendici dal Palatino e via Sacra, Quasar Editions, Rome, pp. 577-592 and 605-608.
  13. ARVANITIS N., FILIPPI D., 2017, Sacra Via, argine del fossato, recinzione del lucus e suoi ingressi (750-100 a.C. circa), in Carandini A., Carafa A., Filippi D. (eds), Il Santuario di Vesta. Pendici dal Palatino e via Sacra, Quasar Editions, Rome, pp. 151-159.
  14. ARVANITIS N., 2012, Regione VIII, Lucus Vestae, capanna delle vestali 750-735 a.C. circa, in Carandini A., Carafa P. (eds), Atlante di Roma antica. Biografia e ritratti della città, Vol. II, Roma, table 3.
  15. ARVANITIS N., 2012, Regione VIII, Lucus Vestae, Atrium Vestae. 148-100 a.C., in Carandini A., Carafa P. (eds), Atlante di Roma antica. Biografia e ritratti della città, Vol. II, Roma, table 16.
  16. ARVANITIS N., 2010, Il sito tra l’età del bronzo e la prima età del ferro, in Arvanitis N. (ed), Il santuario di Vesta, p. 27.
  17. ARVANITIS N., 2010, Fase 1. 750-725 a.C.: la struttura Ib1, in Arvanitis N. (ed.), Il santuario di Vesta, p. 27-33.
  18. ARVANITIS N., 2010, Fase 7. 530/20 a.C.: la struttura Ib7, in Arvanitis N. (ed.), Il santuario di Vesta, p. 45-48.
  19. ARVANITIS N., 2010, Fase 9. Prima metà del II sec. a.C.: la struttura Ib9, in Arvanitis N. (ed), Il santuario di Vesta, pp. 48-49.
  20. ARVANITIS N., 2010, Fase 10. Post 148 a.C. – prima metà I sec a.C.: la struttura Ib10, in Arvanitis N. (ed.), Il santuario di Vesta, p. 49-51.
  21. ARVANITIS N., PAOLILO F.R., 2010, Fase 11. Prima metà I sec. a.C.: la struttura Ib11, in Arvanitis N. (ed.), Il santuario di Vesta, pp. 51-53.
  22. ARVANITIS N., TURCHETTA F., 2010, Fase 12. Seconda metà I sec. a.C. e l’età giulio-claudia: la struttura Ib12, in Arvanitis N. (ed.), Il santuario di Vesta, p. 53-54.
  23. ARVANITIS N., 2010, Il tempio di Vesta. Nuovi dati, in Arvanitis N. (ed.), Il santuario di Vesta, pp. 54-60.
  24. ARVANITIS N., FILIPPI  D., 2010, Il santuario di Vesta, in Carandini A. (ed.), La Leggenda di Romolo, vol. II, Milano, pp. 322–325,
  25. N. ARVANITIS – S. STODDART, 3D Digital Technologies and Archaeology. McDonald Institute for the Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge 17-18 May, 2016, Cambridge. 

Scientific disclosure to the general public (selection)

  • CARANDINI A., CARAFA P., ARVANITIS N., 2013, ‘Iuppiter Stator in Palatio ritrovato?’, in Archeologia Viva, 158, pp. 29-36.
  • February 2013, interview on the excavations of the temple of Iuppiter Stator, Rome, “La Repubblica”, 28/2/2013.
  • April 2011, “Messina and Sicily from prehistory to the modern era”, texts and illustrations for the exhibition “Islands in History”, Museum of the See, Ayia Napa, Cyprus.
  • March 2010: under contract with Mondadori Electa editions (Milan, Italy).
    • Tasks: drafting of 1 text and 6 illustrations on the topic “Rome. Palatine-Roman Forum. Sanctuary of Vesta” for the miscellaneous volume entitled “Saturnia Tellus”June 2009, interview for the documentary “Nero Architect”, National Geographic Channel.
  • September 2005, interview on the excavations of the house of the Vestals (Forum Romanum, Rome), “Il Messagero”, 15/9/2005. 

Language Skills

  • Greek: Mother tongue
  • Italian: fluent as mother tongue level
  • English: Understanding, Speaking, Writing: Council of Europe Level C1
  • French: Understanding, Speaking and Writing: Council of Europe Level B2
  • German: Understanding, Speaking; Writing: Basic knowledge
  • Spanish: Understanding, Speaking: Council of Europe Level B1
  • Ancient Greek and Latin: functional working knowledge.